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Monday, April 28, 2008

Cubbies Awards Night

This year was Ethan's first year in a program called Cubbies. Cubbies is part of the Awana (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and comes from the Bible verse 2 Timothy 2:15) program. Cubbies is a fun introduction to God's word for preschoolers. It encourages little ones to make scripture part of their lives through parent-child activities.

Ethan really loved his Cubbies class this year and he will attend again next year! Last night was the awards ceremony for all of the kids. Being his first year, Ethan was a little shy and didn't know all of the songs, but he put forth a great effort! What a little sweetheart!! These things always get me teary eyed. Good thing I'm not pregnant anymore... I cried all during Ethan's Christmas program at preschool. HORMONES!! I'll have to post that video as well.

Here are a few pictures/videos from lasst night.

Ethan with all of the Awana groups getting ready to sing.

Ethan receiving his award of recognition for dedication to Cubbies.

Ethan with some of his other Cubbie friends.

Afterward they had cake and lemonade outside the church and the kids all ran around and played. This is cutie pie Ryan!

Ethan was so cute in his effort to do the gestures to the song. The teachers were in front of them showing them. Ethan didn't know whether to look at us or his teacher.

My heart swells with pride for my little guy!!

1 comment:

Granny said...

Hi “Bruehl party of six”!!
Boy, what a “duh” grandma I am - I just realized that I could leave comments on your blog! What a great bunch of photos and text - It is wonderful to visit the site and catch up on the most wonderful family and grandchildren in the world! Of course, some may say I am biased!

Grandma Meyer, far-far-away in Wisconsin:-(