We've worked out a new system so we both kind of get a little bit of sleep. Since Matt's job is high stress and requires he be rested, and I guess you could say my "job" is high stress as well. We decided that on Monday and Wednesday nights he would go downstairs and get a full night's sleep, uninterupted. We chose these nights because we have a nanny come on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I can take a nap if need be (that is, if the babies will allow it). After we put the boys to bed, I get my back and foot rubs (my perk to this deal) and then I go to bed. Matt takes care of feeding the babies between 10 and 11 and then he goes downstairs for the night. Last night was our first night trying this and it was a big success. I actually slept from about 9 until 1:45, which felt like a full night and Matt slept from 11:30 to 6:45 when the boys woke him up. I have also finally figured out a good system for feeding both babies at the same time and was able to finish feedings within about 35 minutes last night. I'd say we're on the road to success!
Yesterday afternoon I was getting ready to feed the babies and Ethan asked if he could feed McKenna. This sparked an interest in Ryan and he wanted to feed Aaron. It was the sweetest thing I have ever witnessed. Two big brothers so proud to be helping with their baby brother and sister. I got a couple of cute pictures and one cute video that I'm going to attempt to post!!

I like your new BLOG! Seriously I remember those days all too well. Gregory and I developed a similar system :o) Before you know it they will both be sleeping all night in their own beds! It happens so fast... I just realized with me taking care of my 23 month old nephew 5 days a week 10 + hours a day that we have the same crew everyday - only my 2 are older. They are a total wear out! Into EVERYTHING!!! It is so much fun to watch them play (and fight). I know things are crazy for you guys - it is crazy here. Can you believe that I volunteered to watch my other nephew over the summer?? I must be certifiable - haha!! Oh well - what's one more kid? I'm looking forward to staying updated with you guys via this site. Here is the link to our new site complete with videos!!
Take care!!!
Amy P
I'm so jealous!! We need to figure out a plan like that!!!
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