Can you believe the babies will be 7 weeks old tomorrow!!! Where does the time go?!?! We are making some progress in the sleep department. If left to her own, I think McKenna would sleep beautifully, but Mr. Aaron doesn't like to sleep much, so he is still getting up every 3-4 hours at night. We started putting them in their own cribs last night as they are both getting somewhat mobile and scooting around the crib... Miss McKenna especially. We have started sleep training during the day and are working hard on naps. Basically, they eat, have a 1-2 hour awake period and then we put them down in their cribs for a nap. These naps are lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to 1-1/2 hours. Hopefully soon we will get on more of a schedule, but for now I can handle this. I'll keep you posted on our progress!
We are also trying out a new feeding method when I am alone.... HANDS FREE FEEDING!!! What a wonderful concept and I am hoping to keep a little more sanity this week. I was starting to get a little overwhelmed last week. We want to keep them on the same feeding schedule, so I was propping bottles with blankets and what not, and it really was NOT working. Sometimes they take forever to burp and while working with one, the other would spit up everywhere. It was not a good system! Thankfully someone invented PODEE bottles that allows for hands free feeding. The babies are doing really well with them!!

Our first try with PODEE bottles and they took right to it.

Aaron says, "Look at me, I can hold my own bottle!"

McKenna as content as can be!
Saturday we got brave and headed down to the Denver Zoo with Jen & Derek and their boys. It was a lot of work with a preschooler, two toddlers and three newborns, but we had a good time. We signed up for the family membership so we can go as often as we want in the next year. This makes it easier to go down for just a couple of hours before heading home.

Ryan & Ethan playing the drums in the monkey kingdom!

Ethan, Daddy & Ryan checking out the bears.

Ethan all tuckered out on the drive home from the zoo.

Ethan and Ryan getting ready to head into the zoo.

Cool looking Aaron gears up for his first trip to the zoo.

Pretty mcKenna in her zoo hat.

Ethan checking out the elephants.

Ryan, Derek and Broggan watching the elephant show.
MISC pictures from the week:

Aaron catching some zzz's on the couch.

Princess McKenna

Awwwwww.. how sweet!!

We had the babies on the floor while we were doing some chores. When we came out to check on them, Ethan and Ryan had given the babies their pillows and covered them up with a blanket... Such loving big brothers!!

Ryan checking out the toys.

Ethan sits next to his fort he built.
Oh, the pictures are too cool. I love following your day to day lives!!
These pics are all so cute!! The babies are growing so fast!! And your big boys are adorable!!
Yea for sleep schedules! That is next on our list this week. I'm going to re read HSHHC and HBOTB now that we are not so sleep deprived and hopefully it will all make more sense!!!
Keep the pics coming!!
Hey- I got tagged for a random thing and decided to tag you for it as well. Check out my blog! :)
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