Wednesday was low key in the morning. Ryan, Aaron, McKenna and I hung out at the house. After we went and got Ethan from school, we went over to Sarah's so the boys could play with Josh & Alyssa and I could chat with Sarah for awhile. It was a great time for all of us and it was nice to have the extra set of hands. I told Sarah to call me anytime she wants to hold babies!!
Today was my MOPS meeting and we had a great time as usual. Jenn and I have such an awesome group of ladies at our table, as well as the group as a whole being great this year!! After coming home from there I did some housework and laundry... will the laundry ever end?!?! When I wasn't doing that, I was feeding babies!! Thank goodness for Vanessa being here to help me!! We had dinner delivered again tonight, so it was nice to not have to worry about that. Ethan also had his class picture at school today, so I'm anxious to see how that turned out. He promised me that he smiled good, so we'll see!
I'm starting to feel the exhaustion setting in. I can't complain because I am getting some decent sleep, but I long for the nights when we will be uninterrupted. Hopefully they won't be too far off. Fortunately, we are down to one late evening (10 or 11) and one early morning (2 or 3) feeding and then we are up for the day after the 6:30ish feeding.
The boys continue to do great with their new siblings. They are always kissing and hugging on them. Ethan always makes it a point to give them kisses and hugs when he leaves for school, as do both boys when they are going to bed at night.
I'm adding some recent pictures of all the kids over the past week or so. We feel so blessed to have such adorable and sweet children!! I'm so in love with our family!!

It was nice last Saturday so the boys ate their lunch outside. Hopefully we'll be doing a lot of that this summer!!

Cutie Ryan!

A one week supply of formula... OY!!

Ethan has always had a love for fire fighters, fire trucks, etc. He has passed that love onto his brother. They have a DVD that takes place in a NY fire house and talks about the trucks, gear, clothes, a day in the life basically. They are always pretending to be fire fighters and wearing their coats and backpacks as their "gear". We had a plastic fire coat, but it had gotten ripped and it seemed like everything out their was really poor quality. I finally did a search online and found a site that is a supplier for actual fire fighters and they had these junior fire fighter outfits. We got one for each of the boys and they are awesome. They are high quality material that won't fall apart and I have to say that the boys look ADORABLE. If you have a little firefighter in your house, check out this site...

Aaron pondering his thoughts while he drinks his bottle!

Despite the look on his face, Ethan loves to feed the babies and always wants to help!

Awwww... sweet McKenna snuggling in to her brother!!
How absolutely precious! I can't believe how big they are getting. I guess with all of that formula it makes sense!
Kelly - I love that you have a blog. The twins are beautiful and the boys - I can't believe how big they are!
You're amazing and doin' an awesome job.
Wowsrose/January Joys
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