Wanted to add some of the Easter Pictures we had taken when the twins were two weeks old. I can't believe tomorrow is there 4 week birthday... where does the time go?!?!
Last night was another successful night in the crib!! YAY!!!!
Can I just give kuddos to Ryan... he is such a good boy and plays so well. I'm feeding the babies right now and he is entertaining himself like an angel!!!

Mama & McKenna

How sweet is this!!

McKenna's precious feet!

Our four blessings!

Aaron's cute feet!

Daddy & Aaron
All of your babies(big kids included) are adorable!!!! Love that you started a blog! As my girl friends with twins and blogs said this will be the best baby book you will keep! (because these first months will go by in a blur!!)
Cool page title and beautiful family. After we found out we were having twins I told Deb we were a waiter's nightmare. A table of six walking in the door with four kids including 2 highchairs. I figured we would have to tip $20 in advance just to get treated like humans!
Look forward to keeping up with the Bruehl's
Love those feet!
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