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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Moving on up...

Ever since we came home from the hospital, we've had Aaron & McKenna sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom. Recently they started getting this idea that they wanted us to hold them in our bed during the night. Well, we are firm believers in getting them on a good sleep schedule in their OWN beds early on. Once we saw this pattern developing, we decided it was time to move them into the nursery. Last night was their first night on their own and I'm happy to say they did really well. They are still sleeping together in one crib, and probably will until they decide to start waking each other up. We swaddle them at night and they seem to sleep so much better as they can't startle themselves awake. I think we all slept so much better last night. I know I did. They still are getting up every 3 hours from their last feeding, which means we only get about 2 hours of sleep once we get them fed and back to bed. But, as the old saying goes, "This too shall pass!" Seeing how I wasn't getting any sleep the last several months of my pregnancy, I am actually feeling good with these few hours of quality sleep... Matt, on the other hand, not so much! Even though I can't wait to get back to those full nights of sleep, I also don't want to rush them through these few precious months of being newborns!!

So, wish us luck that last night wasn't a fluke and the next few nights go as well!

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