GO PACKERS!!! Right after they took this picture, Aaron fell off the beanbag and hit his head on the hardwood floor. Poor little bubby!!

How cute are these two little boys!!!!!!!

Adorable, sweet babies!!

This little boy is the spitting image of his big brother, Ryan!

Our sweet, sweet baby girl!!

All four of our sweeties get ready for Halloween!

Little turkeys!!

How sweet!

How can my little sweet boy be getting SO big!!!! Today he and I were having a conversation about his birthday. He was so excited that he was growing up. I told him I was excited too, but a little sad cuz he is growing up so fast. He gave me a BIIGGG hug and said he loved me and didn't want to move out yet because he would miss us. How sweet is that. I told him he still had a lot of years with us. Then he told me he was going to live in WI when he is 28 and we can fly on an airplane to visit him fast. I told him he should stay a little closer to us, but we would be happy for him wherever he went. I said maybe he could go to Madison like Daddy did.

Who can resist that little boy's face!!! I just want to eat him up!!!

Awwww.... little cutie!!

What a little princess!!!
I am so in love with our children... they are beautiful and perfect in every way!!! My sweet babies!!!
Hi, I just read your comment on my blog. Thanks for all the nice things you said. It's really nice to hear about GOOD outcomes with twins. It seems like as soon as people hear you are having twins, they tell you about all the bad things that have happened to people they know! It can get depressing. Your kids are so cute!!! Really glad I found your blog!
I just found your blog and your family is beautiful! I have been debating whether I should get professional photos of my two kiddos taken and seeing how great yours turned out (kids are the same age) I think I will!
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