This first picture is from a couple of weeks ago. I watched Broggan while Jen ran some errands in the morning. Ethan was at Camp Noah and Vanessa was here helping me out that day. I left the babies with her and took Ryan & Broggan with me to the gym. Afterward, we came back to the house and the boys played. Apparently we tired Broggan out because he fell asleep before Jen got here to pick him up!

The babies starting eating food a week and a half ago. Unfortunately, having two of them to feed leaves me with no hands for pictures. I did get this picture of Aaron holding his spoon though. So far, they have had cereal, sweet potatoes & carrots. Tomorrow they get to try another new vegetable. So far they seem to be doing well with everything.

Ethan wanted to help shuck the corn for dinner one night. Then he had to go potty!
Last Thursday was the picnic at Intel. It's a pretty nice setup. They have food for everyone, lots of kids activities, a band, etc. We all had a nice time!

Ethan gets his face painted.

Ryan fishing in the pond to win a prize!
Babies Play

I picked up this exersaucer at a garage sale for $5... it was a steal! The babies seem to be enjoying it!

We also dug out the jumperoo from when Ryan was a baby. At this point, Aaron gets more into it than McKenna!
The front room upstairs has become baby playland! We even had to move all the boys toys downstairs, which makes it look much better! That Baby Einstein playmat McKenna is playing on... I got it at the same garage sale for $3... those things are $60 new!!!
The babies have had a rough week this past week with sleep. For some reason, they stopped sleeping at night and one or the other was up crying all night long. We seem to have turned it around and are working on a strict nap schedule that I think is helping with the night sleep. I think part of the problem is just the fact that they have a "roommate" to help stir them at night.

Sweet McKenna sound asleep in her crib!

Mr. Aaron catches some zzz's! How sweet does he look. They both always seem to nestle up to the bars in their crib.

Ethan and Ryan are now sleeping together on the top bunk in their bedroom. We tried to keep them in their own beds, but Ryan kept climbing up and Ethan was his accomplice in helping him get all of his lovies and stuff up there. Finally we just started putting them to bed this way!

Daddy hanging out with the babies!
Ethan & Ryan have been learning about the county fair at Miss Sarah's the last couple of weeks. On Wednesday, they came home with their faces painted. It was so cute. We sure do love Miss Sarah... she's a great teacher!!

Ryan the lion!

Ethan the sunny faced, rainbow boy!!

Last weekend we worked VERY hard shoveling rock from the corner of our front yard and relaying a heavy duty weed block. It took us about four days of hard labor with both of us working, but we got it done and it looks much better. Ethan and Ryan came out and helped too!!
The boys playing frisbee in the yard!
Ethan attended a camp two weeks ago put on by Lutheran Family Services called Camp Noah. It's purpose was to teach children about the weather and different types of disasters, as well as helping them cope with their feelings of fear from the tornado we had in May. It really was a neat concept and I think Ethan got a lot out of it.

Ethan is in the front row, 5th from the right, behind the girl with the pink skirt on.

There is our sweet boy, in the middle holding the piece of paper!

At the end, they presented each of the kids with a Noah's Ark shaped wooden piggy bank.

After the presentation for the parents, they had cake for everyone. As you can see, Ryan enjoyed his!

Ethan playing with his friend.

Ethan and Uncle Derek (Jen's husband, Broggan's Dad). Derek is a therapist and he & his co-workers volunteered at the camp. He is the reason we found out about it. It was technically for kids in kindergarden or older, so Ethan was the youngest one there. It was nice for him to have Derek there as a familiar face. They are buds!
At the beginning of their presentation, each of the grades talked about what they learned that week. Ethan class says what they are going to put in their emergency bag in case of a disaster. It's hard to understand him, but Ethan says he is going to put in a flashlight and his shoes. He shows a picture he drew of a flashlight and his Thomas sandals that he wore to camp that day.
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