We survived our trip to Wisconsin with four young children in tow! We flew out on Friday, 6/6. Our flight was scheduled for 3:15 on Friday afternoon from Denver to Milwaukee. We got to the airport around 12:30, got our luggage checked (all seven pieces) and headed through security to our gate. All of that went over pretty smoothly. The troubles began when we found out our flight was delayed an hour due to tornado warnings in Milwaukee. The kids did pretty well during the wait for our flight to leave. However, earlier that afternoon, Ethan had been complaining of his tummy hurting. We didn’t think much of it and thought it was just anxiousness for the trip as we had been talking about it for weeks. Well, as we were sitting at our gate, he started putting his hands over his mouth. I asked if he needed to throw up and he said no. Matt decided to take him to the bathroom anyway, just to be sure. In the meantime, I was fortunate that there were plenty of people around that wanted to help me with the babies. I reluctantly let a couple of strangers hold them… one lady had good intentions, but she was very pregnant and also had a toddler with her. Well, she had to chase her little girl and at one point started running from the gate after her daughter, but with McKenna in her arms. I was running after her saying, “Come back with my baby”, all the while trying to keep my eye on Ryan and the other lady who was holding Aaron. Fortunately Matt came back shortly after, but with the news that they hadn’t made it the bathroom and Ethan had thrown up in the concourse. We got his clothes changed and had him sit in his car seat until it was time to board the plane. Fortunately, Matt had gotten a large Sprite from McDonald’s that came in a plastic cup. We used that for Ethan to throw up into. Once we got on the plane, the trip went well as the babies slept the entire time. Ethan did end up dry heaving the entire flight though.
Once we got to Milwaukee, we met Grandma Elaine at the baggage claim. Matt went to get our minivan from Hertz and of course they didn’t have it ready. In the meantime, Elaine and I stayed with the luggage and the kids. When he finally arrived, we loaded up the kids (two screaming babies by this point as they were hungry and we had no water) and Elaine got her car so we could load up the luggage. We were off to find somewhere to get water and eat dinner. Well, it seems everything there closes at 9 because we couldn’t find anywhere to eat and ended up feeding the babies in the parking lot of a Pick N Save where we found water and something to eat from their deli. After that it was time for the 1-1/2 hour drive to Hilbert where Grandpa and Grandma live. All was well until we were about 5 minutes from their house when Ryan started throwing up, all over himself, the car seat and the van. I was in the back of the van holding the cup and going back and forth between the boys as they both threw up. When we finally got there, it was only to find out that a transformer had blown and they had no power in their house, which also meant no water. By this time it was midnight, so we wiped the kids down with some water out of bottles and got them in bed (they slept outside in a camper with Grandpa & Grandma for the first few nights). We fed the babies and went to bed. By Saturday morning, the power had come back on.
Saturday, 6/7/08
When Ryan got up Saturday morning, he threw up once and then seemed better after that. Ethan was also out of the woods, but now it was my turn. I had a queasy stomach all morning and then finally ended up throwing up. I took a nap for awhile and then when I got up it was time for us to get ready for Luke & Lisa’s wedding. It was at a park in Menasha. It was a nice little ceremony, but the weather didn’t hold out and we left after a huge spider web of lightning lit up the sky. The reception was at another park in Menasha where there was a pavilion. It rained off and on and was really windy, but otherwise we were able to have a nice time visiting with everyone. We only stayed until about 6:30 as we didn’t want the babies to get chilled. By this time I was feeling better, but we were all exhausted so we went back to Tom & Elaine’s, fed the babies and just played lazy.

Ryan playing on his laptop at Grandpa & Grandma's house.

Uncle Travis teaching Ethan bad habits at the wedding... haha!
Sunday, 6/8/08
Sunday morning we got up and had a leisure morning. It was pouring rain (had been since Saturday night) so the kids played in the house and we just relaxed a bit. We were having a Vincent (Elaine’s side of the family) family reunion at 1:30 and miraculously, the rained stopped right about then. We had a sunny afternoon until the last of the family left, at which it promptly started raining again. Sunday evening we hung out some more and just had a nice relaxing time. The family reunion was a lot of fun and it was great to actually get to spend some time with people that we hadn’t seen since our wedding and even then didn’t get much chance to chat as we were so involved with the wedding. Of course, everyone loved holding the babies and they got their fair share of attention!

Ryan helping Grandma wrap prizes for the auction.

Ethan got into the wrapping as well.

Aaron snoozing away... apparently the noise of it all was just too much!

Great Aunt Irene holds Aaron while chatting with Great Uncle Jack.

Ethan playing in the muddy water after all the rain of the weekend.
Monday, 6/9/08
Monday morning we got up and ready and headed over to Grandpa Bob and Grandma Sue’s house. We went to Tom’s Drive In for lunch and then headed over to this cute little zoo. It was really neat because all of the animals were really close so you could get a close look at them. They had an awesome petting zoo where the kids got to see llamas, baby goats, pigs, bunnies and even a turtle that was cruising all over the place. I was so bummed because we forgot our camera that day, but we did get a couple of cute shots from Bob’s camera. After the zoo we went back to their house. Sue made a delicious dinner and then her sister Nancy came over to see the babies (and us too I guess…haha!!!). We always joke because we are second rate to our kids these days!! By then the babies were getting hungry again and we didn’t have enough formula left for McKenna so we had to get going for the night.

Ethan petting a baby goat at the zoo.

Ethan holding the baby goat.

Ethan and Ryan getting ready to explore the zoo.

Ethan checking out the tractor.
Tuesday, 6/10/08
Tuesday was a very nice relaxing day. We lounged around in the morning and then headed out to Fox Valley Tech where Grandma Elaine works. We had lunch there and visited with all of Grandma’s co-workers. A very nice bunch of ladies who were all very excited to see the babies and the kids. We spent a little time there and then headed back to the house where the kids helped Grandma weed her garden and then they started a campfire!! How fun!!! Kim and Jason came over that night and we had ribs on a stick and a very wonderful dinner and conversation. It was really too short. Of course, the amount of time we get to spend with everyone is always too short. Before we knew it, it was 10:30 and time for them to head home as they had to work and us to get the kids in bed.

Aaron catches a cat nap in the swing.

Ethan getting ready to bake a cake with Grandma.

Grandma and the boys weed the garden and try some rhubarb.

Ethan intently watching the campfire.

Kim & Kelly

Grandpa and the boys!
Wednesday, 6/11/08
Wednesday we spent in Green Bay visiting some more friends. We started out by meeting Nikki and her new baby boy, Sean, at Lambeau Field. We shopped around the pro shop a little bit, did the stadium tour and then headed to Kroll’s for lunch. It was so great to see Nikki again and Sean is just a little smiley cutie pie. They live in Seattle and it was such an awesome coincidence that we were in WI at the same time. By that time the boys were starting to melt down a little bit and it was time for a nap in the car. The drive out to Joe & Helen’s house allowed for that.
Once we got to Joe & Helen’s, the boys got a chance to play with some fun toys. Joe & Helen have three grandsons and they are fun-loving grandparents. The kids played in their playroom downstairs which has a fun barn that Joe’s brother made when their kids were young. It was a big hit with the kids. I keep trying to convince Matt that he needs to make one for our kids. They also had a pinball machine that the kids got to try out. We had a great visit with them and they had fun loving on the babies!
After Joe & Helen’s, it was time to head over to Erin & Cameron’s for dinner, but on the way we decided to drive past my old house on Wayfarer Way. It looks pretty much the same. We drove around the corner and saw that Rick & Sandy were home so we made a quick stop to say hi and show them our kiddos. It was nice to see them!
We finally headed over to Erin’s where the kids got to play with Ashelyn and her friend Rachel that was spending the night. Of course, it was raining by now so they played inside. We had pizza for dinner and a good conversation. We got to see Taiven who is already 15 months old!! Cameron showed us his basement that he finished and the kids all had fun running around the big empty space. We left about 8:30 as we had an hour drive home and all of the kids were getting tired. Once again, we didn’t have enough time!!

Nikki & Sean in front of the field at Lambeau.

The famous Lambeau Field scoreboard.

Daddy and the boys take the same walk Brett Favre did as he entered the field!

The whole crew... Nikki & Sean, Kelly, Ethan, Matt, Ryan, Aaron & McKenna on the field.

A Packer fan forever!!

Mama, Daddy & the boys on the field at Lambeau!

Nikki and cutie pie Sean!

Nikki & Kelly (Nikki was my maid of honor in our wedding!!)

The family at Joe & Helen's house.

Helen holding McKenna and Joe holding Aaron.

Joe feeds McKenna!

Ryan inside the fun barn at Joe & Helen's! Daddy, make us one!!!

Helen feeds Aaron!

Joe & Helen with the crew!!

All of the kids at Cameron & Erin's: Ethan, Ryan, Taiven, Ashelyn, McKenna, Rachel & Aaron

Erin feeding McKenna!

Kelly & Erin

Grandma admiring her grandbabies!
Thursday, 6/12/08
Our original plans for Thursday were to take the kids to Noah’s Ark in Wisconsin Dells. However, there was an 80% chance for thunderstorms that day in Appleton as well as the Dells. Also, all of the rain earlier in the week had literally washed away much of the Dells. Lake Delton was washed away, as well as taking many houses with it. They had true devastation down there.
We spent the morning lounging around the house. The kids helped Grandpa mow the lawn on the tractor and then they helped Grandma plant flowers in the rain. After that we all got ready and headed to Green Bay where we had reserved a room at Tundra Lodge for the night. We spent the evening having fun at the indoor water park while it stormed and poured outside. The kids had a blast. Ryan is a dare devil and will try anything. He went on the water slide with me the first time I tried. Ethan is a little more timid. It took us about an hour of convincing to get him to finally go down, but once he did, he loved it and didn’t want to stop. Even the babies got in the pool for a little swim time. The only bad part of the night was that the air conditioner didn’t work in our room and we didn’t discover this until 9:30, so we didn’t call for assistance, but it was soooooo hot in our room that night. I didn’t sleep well at all. It was worth it though, as we all had a great time!

All of our kiddos at the water park... McKenna enjoyed the noise as it lulled her to sleep!

Daddy, Ethan, Ryan & Grandpa

Grandpa & Ethan after coming down the water slide.

Grandma & Ryan having lots of fun!!

Ethan in the pool.

Tired boys.

Watching the construction outside the hotel window.

Aaron & McKenna lulled to sleep again by the noise and warmth of the pools.

McKenna & Aaron sitting in the pool water.
Friday, 6/13/08
We got up Friday morning and headed back to the water park for a couple of hours after we checked out. When everyone was finally exhausted, we headed over to Golden Corral for lunch and then it was off to Bay Beach for more fun and to see some more friends. The boys were both exhausted by the time we got there and it took a while for Ethan to start having fun. I took him on the scrambler and Matt took Ryan. Ethan didn’t like it very much, but Ryan just took it all in. We met up with Jess & Nick (they are expecting their first baby…YAY!!), Crystal, Brian & Nicholas (they are expecting their second baby in August), Amy & Hailey (our flower girl from our wedding), and Russ, Heather, Gabrielle, Chandler & Andy. It was so fun to see everyone. We had a picnic dinner in the park, rode the rides, chatted with everyone and just had fun. Unfortunately, the time went too fast and soon it was time to go home. We got there around 9:30 and had to start packing as we were leaving the next day.

Grandpa & Ryan on the merry go round.

Ryan with Grandma & Grandpa on the ferris wheel. Ethan didn't want to go.

Ryan in the fighter jet planes.

Mama & Ethan coming down the big slide.

Ethan & Ryan on the boats.

Awww.. Nicholas & Ethan having fun together!

Daddy & Ethan on the merry go round.

Ethan & Grandma on the bumper boats... Daddy is in the background!

Ethan flying!

Daddy & Ryan on the big slide!

Hailey holding Aaron. Hailey was our flower girl in our wedding.

Jess & Kelly (Jess is 11 weeks pregnant!)

Kelly & Crystal (Crystal is due in August)

Kelly & Amy

Crystal holding McKenna
Saturday, 6/14/08
We got an early start on Saturday morning so the kids could make Grandpa breakfast in bed for Father’s Day. After that we got the kids fed, the van packed and headed off to Grandpa Bob & Grandma Sue’s to spend the afternoon before we had to head back to Milwaukee for our flight home. We took the kids to McDonald’s play land for lunch so they could burn off some energy. Then we headed back to Bob & Sue’s where we fed the babies and took some pictures and then we were on our way. We made good time to Milwaukee and unloaded where I waited for Matt as he returned the van. We were quite a sight with everything… we had 8 pieces of luggage to check, 4 carry-ons and the boys’ car seats. After getting through security, we ate dinner at Quizno’s and fed the babies again. They boys were running and playing by the window in the concourse. Ethan fell down and cracked his head pretty hard on the vent. He has a big owie there now. Finally it was time to get on the plane and we got lucky that the other two seats in our row were empty, so we were able to spread out. We ordered the direct TV and all chilled for the flight. We did have one guy make a comment when he was boarding about how he was glad he didn’t have to sit by us. I called him out on it and told him how good our kids were. They proved me right!! We got in to Denver on time, but it was late by the time we headed north to Fort Collins to take my mom home. When all was said and done, we got home around 11:30, put the boys to bed, fed the babies and took showers (we stunk like baby spit up and sweat). We crawled into bed around 1:40 a.m.

Grandpa Bob holding Aaron, Grandma Sue holding McKenna, Uncle Cody holding Ryan and Abby & Ethan

Grandpa Bob & Grandma Sue with the kiddos.

Ryan & McKenna on the airplane ride home.

Ethan, Daddy & Aaron on the airplane.
Looks like you guys had a fab time! Thought I would stop by and say hi! Sorry its been so long! Moving with the babies is a little crazy! All you kiddos are looking so cute!!
wow kel, you guys did a TON!! I'm tired just reading about it. Glad you had such a nice time.
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