In other news, McKenna slept through the night on Friday night. We've been down to one feeding at night for both of them, with McKenna always being the better sleeper. Well, Friday night she ate at about 8:00 and then played for a little while. We put her down and she slept all the way through until 6:00!!!! Now if we could only get Aaron on the same schedule... although, she did get up once last night. We are working hard at developing a routine during the day and we are now down to 4-5 daytime feedings and one nighttime feeding. Hopefully we'll cut out that nighttime one soon. My prediction of sleeping through the night by the time they are three months old definately has a possibility of coming true!!! We'll keep you posted.
Here are some random pictures:

Aaron practices holding his head up on their tummy time whale. They both have very strong necks these days!

Sweet babies sitting next to each other!

The boys were filthy after playing outside all day on garage sale day so we put them in the bath (they usually shower). Here they are practicing their back float.

Before their bath, we decided to give them their summer buzz!! They look so cute and Ryan now looks even more like Ethan. I also think it makes him look a little older.

Speaking of older... Ryan, should you have a beer case sitting next to you?? At the breakfast table no less!!!
They are all so adorable!!!! I can't believe how big the babies are already!!!!
WOW! McKenna and Aaron are so adorable! How big they are since we saw them. Ethan and Ryan are such big boys too - love the buzzes!
Please take a photo of all them together soon - the twins are starting to get their "personalities" - it would be fun to see who looks like who!
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