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Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Pictures

Good Morning!

Wanted to add some of the Easter Pictures we had taken when the twins were two weeks old. I can't believe tomorrow is there 4 week birthday... where does the time go?!?!

Last night was another successful night in the crib!! YAY!!!!

Can I just give kuddos to Ryan... he is such a good boy and plays so well. I'm feeding the babies right now and he is entertaining himself like an angel!!!

Mama & McKenna

How sweet is this!!

McKenna's precious feet!

Our four blessings!

Aaron's cute feet!

Daddy & Aaron

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I just uploaded a bunch of new pictures from the last week or so. Enjoy!

Ryan holding McKenna.

Even Cassidy is sharing her space with the babies. Here she is cuddled up next to McKenna.

Ethan was so cute holding Aaron and rocking him in his lap.

Ryan wanted a chance to hold Aaron too!

Ethan's turn to hold McKenna... what good big brothers we have here!

Cute babies in their Easter outfits.

Handsome little man!

Beautiful little girl!

Ryan helping Grandma repot the plants.

A group photo with Grandpa and Grandma Meyer before they head back to WI.

Anders and McKenna... just in case they date each other some day.

Ryan hunting for Easter eggs.

Fun on Easter morning.

This seems to be a common pose for Daddy. Snoozing while he's holding the baby. Careful not to get any of that baby milk in your coffee!!

Princess McKenna

Such sweet babies loving each other!

Ethan rocking his Puppa to sleep in the swing.

Sibling love.

How sweet.

Silly Ryan sitting on the pillow.

Anders, McKenna & Aaron... Best Friends!!

Moving on up...

Ever since we came home from the hospital, we've had Aaron & McKenna sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom. Recently they started getting this idea that they wanted us to hold them in our bed during the night. Well, we are firm believers in getting them on a good sleep schedule in their OWN beds early on. Once we saw this pattern developing, we decided it was time to move them into the nursery. Last night was their first night on their own and I'm happy to say they did really well. They are still sleeping together in one crib, and probably will until they decide to start waking each other up. We swaddle them at night and they seem to sleep so much better as they can't startle themselves awake. I think we all slept so much better last night. I know I did. They still are getting up every 3 hours from their last feeding, which means we only get about 2 hours of sleep once we get them fed and back to bed. But, as the old saying goes, "This too shall pass!" Seeing how I wasn't getting any sleep the last several months of my pregnancy, I am actually feeling good with these few hours of quality sleep... Matt, on the other hand, not so much! Even though I can't wait to get back to those full nights of sleep, I also don't want to rush them through these few precious months of being newborns!!

So, wish us luck that last night wasn't a fluke and the next few nights go as well!

Trying something new!

Welcome to my new blogspot! I'm known for frequenting a lot of online boards and other people's blogs, so I decided it was time to start my own. I figure this way we won't have to bombard everyone's email accounts with regular updates on our four beautiful children! So, be sure to bookmark this site in your favorites list and I'll do my best to keep it updated on a frequent basis. I'm starting to get the hang of being a mom to a preschooler, a toddler and twin newborns, so my hopes are that I'll be able to post updates on a regular basis!!

For today, I'll start with a brief introduction to our family! As most of you know, on March 4, 2008, we gave birth to the final additions to our family. We, along with big brothers Ethan & Ryan, are happy to announce the arrival of our twins, Aaron Clifford & McKenna Leigh. Yes, there is now a glimmer of pink in our sea of blue! To my dear McKenna, when you are 16 and trying to go out on a date, may you cherish the love and protection that your three older (Aaron is older by one minute) brothers will shower you with!!

We also share our home with two chocolate furbabies. Although they have lost their ranking in the family since their arrival five years ago, they still hold a place in our hearts... even though Matt will try to convince you to take them home with you!!

I'll end with a note of many thanks to all that have helped us in the past month! Travis & Shauna who stayed with the boys during our stay in the hospital. Jean for taking a couple of days off work to entertain the boys during the days. Sarah & Christi for having fun & safe places for the boys to play and we wouldn't have to worry about them. All of our friends from MOPS and other areas who have so generously been delivering us meals for the past 3 weeks! Tom & Elaine for coming out from WI to help us in so many ways... from entertaining the boys, to cooking & cleaning, to building us a garden and doing yard work!! To all of our friends and family in general, for your kind words and helpful hands... we are so very blessed in more ways than one can count!!

With that I'll have to end as Princess McKenna is beckoning me to feed her, as I'm sure her brother will be doing momentarily as well!!