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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Happenings

The Halloween festivities have begun. Following are various pictures from such festivities, as well as some miscellaneous pictures!

The babies love to eat their biter biscuits. They can only have them on bath nights though, as they make quite a mess!!

Aaron & McKenna waiting for their morning bottle.

Ethan is usually on hand and willing to help entertain the babies!

Silly McKenna ventures behind the couch!

One day Ethan & Ryan went to McDonald's for lunch with Derek, Jen, Broggan & Anderson. They didn't nap that day and decided to have a movie for quiet time instead. When it got really quiet downstairs, I went to see what was up... this is what I found.

Multiples Club Halloween Party!!

One of Ethan's many silly faces!

At the pumpkin patch!!

Look how strong Ethan is!!

The mud was so wet and thick, it was coating the tires of the wagon as well as the bottoms of our shoes. It was almost impossible to walk through!

Ryan's silly face!

Ethan's silly face!
Carving Pumpkins!!!

McKenna gets her hands right in the gooey pumpkin!

Aaron takes bite to see how it tastes!

Trick or Treating in Downtown Windsor!

The kids' costumes were a hit with everyone we saw! Here we are at the Windsor/Severance Fire Station. The chief even took the boys in back to give them nice new badges!!

Our crew of kids (L to R): Gabe, Luke, Broggan, Ryan, Aaron, McKenna, Ethan & Anderson

Our sweet family!!


The babies eating biter biscuits.

Ryan has a conversation with the babies!

McKenna hiding behind the couch!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Misc Pictures

Here are some misc pictures from the past few weeks that I've been MIA. The biggest news at our house is we've moved Ryan to our last bedroom downstairs. We no longer have a guest bedroom, but when people visit, Ethan can sleep on the bottom bunk in Ryan's room and our guests can use Ethan's room. The babies weren't sleeping well and we finally decided that it was best to separate them. They each have their own bedroom upstairs now. All of the moving took place last weekend. I'm happy to report that the babies have been sleeping through the night since Wednesday... three blissfull nights in a row!! Aaron sometimes wakes up at 6, but he's able to get himself back to sleep. They are now on a wonderful bottle/food schedule and life seems to be getting easier. They are both sitting up, McKenna army crawls everywhere, Aaron crawls on all four here & there and McKenna stands up unassisted at the Leap Frog table, as well as the couch, a bin... basically anywhere that she can stand.

Grandma Meyer and Aaron chilling.

Cutie boy Aaron laughing it up in his high chair.

Aaron & McKenna really liked the swings. We had them in there once before this and Aaron had fallen asleep.

We found a really cool new park in Fort Collins. G'ma and I took the boys and Broggan one day while Daddy was in Boston. It had a cool climbing area.

Sweet babies!

So cute!!

Ethan at soccer camp.

What a sweet, beautiful little girl!!

Pretty girl chilling in her high chair!

And we were swinging!

Ryan loves playing Daddy's arcade game!

Aaron enjoying some puff snacks!

Ryan at the fun park!

My sweet adorable Ryan swinging at the park. He loves doing under ducks and never wants me to stop.