I've uploaded a bunch of pictures from the last two weeks since we've been home from Wisconsin. Before we get to the pictures, two big things have happened recently. First, the twins turned 4th months old on Friday!!!!! ... and with that, Aaron has learned to roll from both his back to his belly and his belly to his back! McKenna is close behind him. She gets rolled over, but can't get her arm out from under her.
The other big news is that Ryan is peeing AND pooping on the potty (he just turned 2 on May 31!!!) He just needs to learn to know when he has to go. He is close though. Friday at lunch, he said he had to go poop. Usually he starts going in his diaper and finishes on the toilet. This time there was no poop in his diaper and when I put him on the potty, he went poop right away!!!! YAY RYAN!!!
Other than that, last week was busy with getting a new roof from the tornado. The guys are here today working on the gutters and the fencers will be out working on our fence later this afternoon. After all of that is done, hopefully we will be finished with all of the big repairs.
Pool PicturesWe put the pool up on Father's Day and have been having lots of fun with it since then!!! We've had friends over to swim and spent lots of time just as a family in it! It's been a GREAT investment!!!
Cassidy takes a swim around the pool!

Ethan & Ryan swimming in the pool. It is the perfect depth for Ryan as he can walk around & play without worrying about going under.

Ethan playing with Alyssa & Josh!

Silly Ethan!

Alyssa, Ethan & Josh warming up in the sun!

Ryan & Grandma lounging!
Vacation Bible SchoolThe Monday we got home from Wisconsin, Ethan had a week long Vacation Bible School. On Thursday night they had a little program for the parents where they talked about their week, as well as singing songs for us. It was very cute!

A Day at the Denver ZooMcKenna, Mama & Ethan on the train.

Aaron, Vanessa (our nanny) & Ryan on the train!

McKenna, Ryan, Ethan & Aaron sitting by the gorilla!

Ethan, Parker, Ryan & Vanessa checking out the penguins.

Ethan & Ryan looking at the bighorn sheep!

Silly gorilla!!

Ethan & Parker ... cute friends!!
July 4th FireworksFor the 4th we went to our town's 4th of July celebration. Ethan was nervous as he's been scared of fireworks in the past, but once they got going, he got into them and we all had a great time!!

The babies have a snack while waiting for the fireworks to start.

Daddy and the boys watching fireworks!

Mama and the babies check them out too!

Ethan & Ryan getting into it!
Fun at the lake!!A couple of weeks ago, Vanessa & I took the kids to Lake Loveland. They had fun playing on the beach and in the water.

Ethan, Vanessa & Ryan
Arts & Crafts
Sibling LoveMy beautiful children!!

Ethan rocking McKenna.