Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Through the years....

Our sweet boy... his smile hasn't changed much:

The day he was born.

1st birthday party.... Shrek party at home.

2nd birthday.

2nd birthday party.... At Chuck E Cheese.

3rd birthday party.... Swimming party at the pool.

4th birthday party. Fire truck theme at home w/a surprise appearance from the Windsor Fire Dept!!!

Ethan with the fireman's helmet on at his 4th birthday!

5th birthday party.... Campfire theme at home.


Look at that goofy smile!! I love you Ethan!!! You are my pride and joy and we are so proud of you!!! You are growing into a very wonderful, talented, intelligent boy!! Enjoy your day!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bruehl Badger Boys

Can you tell who is who?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I promised I would at least get some new pictures up soon! The babies will be 9 months old tomorrow. Where did the time go? They are everywhere!!! Crawling, sitting, standing and cruising... still no teeth for either one of them, but I imagine we'll see some soon. Poor Aaron's little gums are so swollen.

The boys are doing great. Ethan has been busy with school fall parties, Thanksgiving feast, field trip to the nursery. He will be five this month... ahhh!!! What happened to my baby ... sniff, sniff! Ryan is just as smart as can be. He wants to do and say everything his big brother does. His school has been closed for the last month and a half because they had some water damage to the basement where she teaches. She will be opening again next week and he is excited to get back to that. They both continue to be great big brothers, helpful to Mama and Daddy and just good boys all around.

Ryan the painter.

Ethan, the painter.

Ryan, Ethan & McKenna at the babies dedication!

My sweet, wonderful family at the baby dedication!
How cute are these two babies!!!
Ethan making fry bread for his Thanksgiving Feast at school.
Cutting vegetables for their "stone" soup.
The babies first bath in the big bathtub. McKenna loved it while Aaron took a while to warm up to the idea!
Double Trouble!
Aaron peeking out from under the table!
The gang at Jen's surprise 30th birthday party... what fun!
Out of order. Ethan and his best friend Cole at their Thanksgiving Feast!

Mama and Ethan... nice look on his face. He so wanted to take this picture... not!!

Time to eat the feast of stone soup, fry bread and friendship mix all prepared by the preschool students.
Ethan having a bite of his friendship mix.
Sweet baby girl!!!
The hard core partiers closing down the bar at 2 a.m. on Jen's birthday!
Chris and Kris, Mark & Chas, Jen & Denton, Kelly & Matt, Jen & Derek
Jen & Kel

Chas, Jen & Kel

The girls: Chas, Kel, Jen, Kris & Ashley

Sleepy Ryan tuckered out on Mama & Daddy's bed!
Ethan at his school field trip to the nursery.
Ethan and Grandma at the nursery.
This dishwasher is more fun that any of the 545,875,234,735 toys we have in this house!
Grandma with her grandbabies!